Additional Web Resources: Various Other Links for Educators

GaDOE Content Area Frameworks: Social Studies
Lists and explains social studies content area frameworks to help teachers implement the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).

Coverdell World Wise Schools
Offers free lesson plans, country information, engaging stories from Peace Corps Volunteers, and the opportunity to link your classroom up with a Peace Corps volunteer, allowing the class to exchange letters, emails, artwork, and artifacts with a volunteer.

Federal Reserve Education
Provides free links to instructional materials, newsletters, and other resources about the Federal Reserve, economics and financial education. Materials are aligned to the National Council on Economic Education’s standards.

The United States Institute of Peace
Provides scholarships, grants for educational projects, fellowships for educators, intensive teaching seminars, and many free educational and research materials including role-playing simulations and teaching guides.

NewsHour Extra with Jim Lehrer
Free lesson plans, NewsHour Extra stories written for students, transcripts and special reports from the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, the nightly news broadcast on PBS. The lesson plans coincide with current events.

The New York Times Learning Network
Free lesson plans by subject and other education resources from The New York Times.

PBS TeacherSource
Free social studies lesson plans and activities for educators, organized by topic and grade level.

Independent Lens
Free social studies lesson plans, film modules from award-winning documentaries, and interactive features from Independent Lens by PBS.

The Choices Program
Teaching with the news provides online curriculum materials and ideas for uniting classroom content with current news headlines. Topics include foreign policy and international issues.

National Education Association
Links to teacher resources such as lesson plans, timelines, teaching units and primary documents.

United Nations Cyberschoolbus
This UN’s information center for students and teachers contains preparation resources for activities, such as a Model UN conference or student research projects. It also offers materials for teachers on variety topics for lesson plans and classroom activities.

The Gateway to Educational Materials
Access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites.

NOVA Teachers
NOVA Teachers Resources listed by subject and type of resource: Social Studies Classroom Activities.


The opinions and views of the news Web sites referenced below and non-SCIS-produced publications referenced elsewhere on this Web site are not necessarily those of the Southern Center for International Studies, nor does the SCIS support these Web sites or publications financially or otherwise.

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