Additional Web Resources: Latin America News

The Caribbean News Agency (CANA)
Official web site of the Caribbean News Agency (CANA), the number one provider of satellite-delivered Caribbean regional news and information to major newspapers, radio and TV stations in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on a daily basis.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Information on economic and social development issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, including IDB publications, news releases, project documents, and statistical data.

Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
Comprehensive source of information categorized by country and/or issue.

Latin Trade
Monthly publication specializing in Latin American business news and analysis.

Miami Herald Online
Daily newspaper with extensive Americas section.

Political Databases of the Americas
Georgetown University site providing information on Latin American governments, including election systems and data, constitutions, branches of government, civil society organization, and additional reference materials.

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
UN agency providing information on Latin American economic and social issues. Includes statistics, publications, and links to organizations such as the OAS, FTAA and the Pan American Health Organization.

New Mexico State University
Internet resources for Latin America from the university including current events, electronic databases, library catalogs, organizations, newspapers, and directories.

Organization of American States
Information on the programs and policies of the OAS, as well as information on member states and links to other sites on Latin America.


The opinions and views of the news Web sites referenced below and non-SCIS-produced publications referenced elsewhere on this Web site are not necessarily those of the Southern Center for International Studies, nor does the SCIS support these Web sites or publications financially or otherwise.

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