Additional Web Resources: South Asia News

BBC South Asia
South Asia news source from a non-South Asian medium.

The Digital South Asia Library
Includes a variety of historical resources, such as access to old maps, statistical data from the colonial period, and images from the 19th century forward. Also contains current topics and databases in South Asian affairs.

Portal Web site for Indian news. Links to every major Indian newspapers and publications on the internet (publications in English).

University of California at Berkeley
South Asia resources from the University of California at Berkely. Includes bibliographies, Webliographies, and Web links for South Asia.

University of Virginia
Links to South Asian newspapers and e-publications, digital libraries and collections, teaching resources, and South Asian research centers.

Dawn Newspaper Service
Weekly newspaper service providing current events on Pakistan.

The Times of India
Current news stories from India.


The opinions and views of the news Web sites referenced below and non-SCIS-produced publications referenced elsewhere on this Web site are not necessarily those of the Southern Center for International Studies, nor does the SCIS support these Web sites or publications financially or otherwise.

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