December 5 – Africa: SOUTH AFRICA
South Africa’s former president, Nelson Mandela, dies at the age of 95. Before becoming the country’s first black president in 1994, Mandela spent 27 years in prison for his anti-apartheid revolutionary activities. He was also a recipient of the Peace Nobel Prize in 1993. He is respected for his policy of reconciliation despite his long imprisonment.
December 9 – Europe: RUSSIA
Russia President Vladimir Putin closes the country’s state new agency RIA Novosti and Voice of Russia radio station known for their balanced reporting and covering stories uncomfortable for the government. The two are to be replaced buy a new news agency Russia Today, which will be headed by Dmitry Kisielev known for his anti-Western and homophobic views.
December 10 – Latin America: URUGUAY
The Uruguayan parliament approves the government-sponsored bill that legalizes the production, sale and consumption of marijuana, making Uruguay the first country in the world to do so. The supporters of the move say this will tackle drug cartels. Opponents claim the move will expose more people to drugs and addiction. The United Nations International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) accuses Uruguay of breaking the international drug treaties.
December 13 – East Asia: NORTH KOREA
North Korea’s President Kim Jong-un’s uncle, Chang Song-thaek, who held a powerful senior military position and served as the president’s mentor, is executed for treason. It is believed that President Kim got rid of his uncle because he posed a threat to his authority and independence.
December 17 – Europe/Former Soviet Republics: UKRAINE/RUSSIA
Russia and Ukraine announce a deal in which Russia agrees to buy $15 billion of Ukrainian government bonds and slash the price of gas supplied to Ukraine by a third. The Ukrainian government says that Russia’s offer helps it to avoid defaulting on its debt. Anti-government protests continue with tens of thousands of demonstrators occupying the Kiev’s main Independence Square.
December 20 – Europe: RUSSIA
Former Russian oil tycoon and once Russia’s richest man Mikhail Khodorkovsky arrives in Germany freed by President Vladimir Putin as part of a wider amnesty for 20,000 political prisoners, which included members of Pussy Riot, a political protest pop group. Khodorkovsky spent 10 years in a Siberian prison for tax evasion and fraud. Many believe, however, that his sentence was politically motivated as he used his wealth to fund the political opposition to Putin.
December 30 – Europe: RUSSIA
Two suicide attacks within 24 hours shake Russia’s southern city of Volgograd: one on the train station killing 16 people and another on a city bus killing 14 passengers. Many are injured. The suspects are Islamist militants from the north Caucasian region who have vowed to ramp up violence to disrupt the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi located near the Caucasus.